If you watch the “news,” it is easy to assume that humanity is devolving rather than moving forward in its evolution. To create a world that works for everyone, we need to plug our precious personal energy into solutions rather than the presentation of problems that passes as news in our mainstream culture. This requires seeking out information about what solutions are working, or could work, and determine how we can make our contribution. Ultimately if we are living a vibrant life, we generate positive energy to those around us.
According to the brilliant, late statistics guru Hans Rosling, the world works for more people now than it ever has before, based on global health and economic data. If you regularly watch the news, you may find this hard to believe given that the media’s strategy is to focus on “breaking news” that constantly alarms us so we will keep tuning into their story line. Rosling’s Ted Talk entitled “The best stats you’ve ever seen” is both inspiring and informative. It is important to acknowledge the progress that we humans are making and to affirm that we can grow and develop.
We can be certain that new economic and social systems are emerging as more people raise their consciousness and exercise their leadership in the world around them. Although it does not yet get mainstream media attention, there is massive ground-up and top-down leadership being brought to organizations, neighborhoods, communities, and nations throughout the globe by those who have clarity about what is at stake. These leaders have a vision for change, a plan to achieve it and enough support from others to bring their projects to fruition. More of us are looking for ways to make a significant contribution to creating a world that works for everyone.
Your Heart is Calling is one of many new tools being offered to help us increase our personal impact on the world.
From the book: Your Heart Is Calling ~ By Scott C. Miller
To learn more about Scott Miller, please see his website here.