Circles USA invites your participation in our non-partisan Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Challenge!
COMMIT – Complete one (or more!) of these GOTV activities.

Help your friends register to vote.
Educate your friends about early voting with polling locations and/or mail-in voting with mail-in locations.
Dedicate your Circles weekly virtual meeting to reviewing a sample ballot.
Coordinate transportation for in-person voting.
Create voting accountability partners in your Chapter and text each other reminders to vote.
Accompany a friend to the polls to protect against voter intimidation.
Advertise where to get help on Election Day: the phone number for your local board of elections, as well as national nonpartisan hotlines: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) for English and 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) for Spanish.
Take a selfie wearing your Circles shirt while voting.
Post to social media your pledge to vote and/or your Chapter’s commitments to these GOTV activities.
Use hashtag #VoteforCircles and post your activities to social media.

SHARE – Please send Courtney@circlesusa.org:
one picture
and a few sentences describing your GOTV activities, including how many people participated.
CUSA will publicize your Chapter’s GOTV efforts on our social media and in our newsletters.

WIN – Every Chapter that participates will be eligible for prizes:
an e-copy of CUSA’s book, Bootstraps and Benefits: What the Right and Left Understand about Poverty and How We Can Work Together for Lasting Solutions;
a discount to our online Hands-on Training;
a discount to our 2021 virtual Leadership Conference;
and a virtual Chapter visit from Circles USA’s executive director.