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Resources and Partners For Civic Engagement: How To Take Action

At Circles USA, we believe in the power of civic engagement to drive positive change in our communities. Whether you’re looking to get involved for the first time or deepen your existing commitment to democracy, we’ve gathered a range of non-partisan educational resources and partnered with key orgs to help you take meaningful action as an individual, with your family, or in working groups like Circles chapters.


Circles NWA recently presented an energizing webinar, Make A Plan To Vote: Hosting an Empowering Voter Education Event. Now available to view online, the webinar is designed to equip your Circles community with tools and knowledge to host a successful “Make A Plan To Vote” event in advance of November’s general elections. During this webinar, you’ll learn how to organize and execute an engaging evening of nonpartisan info-sharing, logistical planning, and exploring ways to build community involvement.

By the end of this video you’ll have a clear roadmap for hosting an event that educates voters and mobilizes them to participate confidently in the upcoming general elections—and in future elections critical to ending poverty in our communities.


The Workers Circle, a 100+-year-old Jewish social justice and cultural engagement organization, has created voting tools to make it easy for you to exercise your rights with clarity and purpose. Learn how to:

  • Check your registration

  • See what candidates are running for office and their positions

  • Examine ballot measures

  • Find your polling site

  • Learn about any voter ID or other rules that could impact your ability to cast your ballot

Get your personalized voting information from The Workers Circle.


Common Sense Media’s Young Voter’s Guide to Social Media and the News offers “unbiased information about issues and candidates” to equip voters to “cut through the election season hype and get the info you need.” Published amid the widespread disinformation and electoral interference of 2020, this à la carte guide to basic media literacy and critical research is as valuable to voters of all ages today as it was then.

Visit CSM’s large media suite on voter readiness here. is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center that monitors the factual accuracy of statements made by federal candidates and their campaigns. It’s a valuable resource for understanding the truth behind campaign claims. presents arguments from multiple sides on various issues, allowing users to see where candidates stand on critical topics. The site is known for its balanced presentation of information.


Ballotpedia provides comprehensive information about federal, state, and local elections. It offers detailed profiles of candidates, including their positions on key issues, past political experience, and campaign finance data.


Created by the League of Women Voters, Vote411 is a one-stop resource for election-related information. You can compare candidates’ positions on various issues, find your polling place, and check voter registration deadlines.


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