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The Next Chapter: 2023 Reflection-2024 Goals

January is always an excellent time to give pause to where we’ve been and dream forward to where we’re headed. Yes, 2023 was an exciting year for Circles USA celebrating our 25th anniversary and hosting a national leadership conference, but much has been happening behind the scenes in the national office as well. Join Circles USA Executive Director, Kamatara Johnson, for a time to reflect on this organization for 2023 and to share the vision for 2024 as Circles USA begins the next quarter century of its work.

About the Presenter: Kamatara Johnson is the executive director of CUSA. She has a master’s degree in organizational leadership, 25 years of experience in secondary education, and a deep connection with our Circles chapters. As ED, Kamatara holds the space for collaboration, innovation, and advancement for all the people in our Circles family.


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